At our school we celebrate and reward effort and achievements. 


Achievement Points: these are gained by an excellent piece of work, outstanding effort, or simply being polite, helpful and a good role-model. A running total is kept on our electronic system and bronze, silver and gold awards recognised at the end of each term, depending on the amount of points collected.

Keys to Success: to promote and celebrate lots of achievements, both within and out of school, we use our Keys To Success. Each of the ten keys shows a level of attainment in areas of learning such as Reading and Maths but also for showing faith commitment, representing the school, and attendance. 

Star of the Week: in the weekly celebration assembly on a Friday morning, a child from each class receives the Star of the Week certificate. This is for trying to follow the Mission of the Week - shared at the Monday assembly and based on the Gospel reading of the week. The weekly Stars are listed on the weekly newsletter.

Class Stars: each week, classes can achieve stars for their class by showing good behaviour, learning or role modelling. The class with the most stars by Friday morning ear themselves an extra playtime on Friday afternoon!

Focus on positive behaviours and achievements are the basis of our school behaviour policy.