Mrs Dickinson is responsible for Music curriculum in our school

Music plays an important role in all aspects of life in our school. Visitors will often hear music echoing around the corridors from music lessons, choir practices and singing during collective worship. We believe that singing helps us to feel happy and contributes to social and emotional well-being so we prioritise singing within the music curriculum and beyond.

We use the Lancashire scheme, Charanga, to support curriculum music throughout school. In lessons, children are given the opportunity to listen, appraise, sing, play instruments, improvise, compose and perform, using a wide range of music styles from many different cultures and era as stimuli. By the end of Key Stage 2, our intention is that all children can read musical notation well enough to play a simple melody on a glockenspiel. In addition, all children in Years 5 and 6 learn to play the ukulele as part of their music curriculum – this is with the support of Lancashire Music Services.

We believe that performance provides a real purpose and motivation to learning in music and children in all year groups enjoy opportunities to perform to an audience. These include the nativity play, Easter reflection, summer play, end of year music performance, ukulele performances to name but a few. Children in Key Stage 2 who are learning to play an instrument outside school are encouraged to perform at the end of assemblies and this encourages others to learn and practise instruments.

We enjoy sharing our love for music with others and each year, some classes take part in the Lancaster Singing Festival and at Christmas, we sing carols in homes for the elderly. Listening to live music performances further enriches our music learning and we seize opportunities to invite musicians to perform in school or to listen to live concerts in the local area.

Music Documents

Updated: 02/09/2023 286 KB