Your views are invaluable to us and directly influence the work that we do in school. You can share your views with staff by arranging to meet with them or contact us.


We also ask that parents complete the Ofsted Parent View survey each year.




Your Feedback and Comments on School Events


Year 5 & 6 Performance - A Kingdom United:

Wonderful to see the children perform so confidently in front of an audience!

An absolute credit to the school. Wonderful!

Amazing activities encouraged

Well done to year 5 and 6. Very good performance. beautiful singing voices.


'Talking Workshop' for KS1 Parents:


Great course! I really enjoyed learning different games and tricks to help my children learn.

This was a really useful workshop. I wish we could have more workshops in future.


National Poetry Day Class Performances:

Lovely to see the children looking up so confidently.

Great to see all the children working together.

Brilliant - its great to see what my children are learning and lovely to listen to my own children too.