Upcoming Events


On this week's newsletter:

Tuesday 11th February – Online safety day 9am – Parents online safety meeting in the hall

Wednesday 12th February 3pm – Year 3 lead celebration of the word. Parents welcome.

Wednesday 12th February - Year 2 to visit Lancaster castle

Thursday 13th February – Year 6 Egyptian dress up day

Thursday 13th February - Year 3 Stone Age dress up day 

Thursday 13th February - PTA Film Night, 3.30-5.30 (Film choices to follow)

Friday 14th February 2pm – Reception Stay and play


Monday 24th February - back to school

Wednesday 26th February – Year 3 Celebration of the word

6th March – World Book day and Bedtime story after school 3.15pm - 4.15pm

12th March – Year 2 Celebration of the word

13th March – After school clubs start. Keep an eye out for how to sign up

18th and 19th March - Parents Evenings

24th March – Y2 music festival

25th March - Year 4 Parents Meeting for Castlerigg - 3.30pm and 5pm

26th March – Y4 music festival


Please contact your child's class teacher or the school office if you need further details about any of the events listed