Upcoming Events


On this week's newsletter:

Monday 7th October – Parents evening booking open

Monday 14th October – Year 4 to Leighton Hall.

Monday 14th October – Start of Black History week

Monday 14th October – Opening evening for prospective Reception parents 2024-2025

Monday 14th October – Winter Coat and preloved uniform donations

Tuesday 15th October – Harvest celebration in the Cathedral 2pm. All welcome

Tuesday 15th October – Choir singing at National Diocese celebration 5.30pm at Lancaster University

Wednesday 16th October – 5-7pm Parents evening

Wednesday 16th October – Preloved uniform sale and winter coats 5-7pm

Thursday 17th October – 3.30-5pm Parents evening 

Thursday 17th October – Preloved uniform sale and winter coats 3.30-5pm

Friday 18th October – Reception stay and play 2pm. All reception parents welcome.

Friday 18th October – Finish for half term 3.15pm



Please contact your child's class teacher or the school office if you need further details about any of the events listed