Upcoming Events


On this week's newsletter:

Monday 8th July – Enterprise week

Tuesday 9th July – Year 6 play 2pm and 6pm performance in school hall

Wednesday 10th July - OLCC Taster Day for Year 5

Friday 12th July – Enterprise Market and Summer Fair 2.15pm to 4.15pm

Monday 15th July – Break the Rules Day

Monday 15th July - Year 6 leavers’ Mass 6pm in The Cathedral

Tuesday and Wednesday 16th and 17th – Liverpool trip for Year 6

Tuesday 16th July - Music Performance in the hall at 9.15 for all years groups (except Y6!)

Thursday 18th July – Finish school for the summer holidays at 1.30pm



Please contact your child's class teacher or the school office if you need further details about any of the events listed