It is the responsibility of ALL ADULTS to protect children and young people online.

Instant help and advice is available at:


Click on either image above to be taken to their web pages packed full of advice and support.

Online Safety

Updated: 14/10/2024 480 KB
Updated: 14/10/2024 832 KB
Updated: 30/01/2020 105 KB
Updated: 30/01/2020 791 KB

Online Safety 

At school, we keep all our school family (both children and adults) safe in a  number of ways.  We follow a comprehensive Computing Curriculum that includes a fundamental topic on online safety for each year group.  We also celebrate Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th February 2025) with whole school training and activities.  We are very lucky in school to have access to a wide range of digital internet-enabled devices from laptops to iPads, and we teach our children to be safe at all times. 

We also teach our children what to do if things go wrong online.  

Who to tell and where to report anything we aren't happy with.

This is backed up in school with a consistently monitored filtering system, that prevents misuse of our devices, protects all our school members and reports in real time to our SLT and Safeguarding teams anything of interest or concern.

The school has recently introduced a home-school online agreement that helps parents, our pupils and our school to stay safe online.
Parents and carers have a clear duty of care to prevent children becoming victims of digital grooming, bullying or online exploitation.



This has been an increasing priority since the end of COVID-19 lockdown:


Crucial websites for parents and carers who need support with this area:







Links to the Adults and Parents page of the Centre with ideas and suggestions. There are loads of activities to read or download that link to International Safer Internet Day 2025. 

The focus for the day is all about how to engage with children about their digital lives - about how they can have an active and safe experience online. To find out more, click the logo or follow the link here.