10 May

SATs in Hats!!

Year 6 have been working hard to prepare for next week's SATs!

We've even put our thinking caps on!

8 May

Throwing and Catching in Year 1

Year 1 have really enjoyed having Dan in to help them with learning the skills of throwing and catching. So many of the children made huge amounts of progress in one lesson, smiles and enjoyment all round! Well done!

8 May

Year 5 Cricket in the Sunshine

At last, the sun has been shining and Year 5 had a great PE session with Mr Lofthouse, learning and using cricket skills. Our bowling and batting skills have really improved this half term - well done, Year 5!

3 May

Year 6 talk relationships...

Year 6 enjoyed their PSHE lesson all about what makes a health and positive relationship.  First, we discussed all the different relationships we have and how we make lots of different connections. Then, we focused on what makes each of those relationships positive to be in and healthy to be part…

1 May

Story Writing in Year 1


Year 1 children have made Mrs Cook very proud this week. They have worked so hard to learn, innovate and write a story. It has been a pleasure to watch their ideas grow and see how proud they are of their finished stories. Well done Year 1!

30 Apr

Year 5 sow wild flower seeds

Some children in Year 5 have been busy sowing wildflower seeds on the banking next to our playground. We look forward to watching them grow and to seeing the wildlife they attract.

29 Apr

Branching Databases Y3

We have been creating branching databases using yes no questions.

25 Apr

Year 6 Circuits!

Year 6 had a great time exploring the components of circuits - they were challenged to make a bulb light up with the fewest components and it was hard!


25 Apr

Year 5 lead our Celebration of the Word

Year 5 led our whole school Celebration of the Word with great reverence, creating a lovely prayerful atmosphere. They helped us to reflect on the story of Jesus meeting some disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection. They reminded us that Jesus is always walking alongside us, even…

24 Apr

Our Special Friend!

This week in RE, we have been learning about our special friend that God sent to help us - The Holy Spirit. We learnt that when The Holy Spirit first came a long time ago, there was a big wind and fire appeared on Jesus' friends heads! We made fire head bands to help remind us that The Holy Spirit…

23 Apr

Year 2 at the Zoo

On Friday Year 2 went to the zoo! We had been learning about elephants in class so we visited them first. We had our lunch then visited the rest of the animals. We loved the lion which pounced at us-thank goodness for the big green fence! A great time was had by…

20 Apr

Year 4 at Castlerigg

Year 4 have had a wonderful few days away at Castlerigg near Keswick. Please enjoy our photos of the residential and the video memory HERE.  There is even a compilation video of the musical chairs game HERE.