11 Jul

Year 5 Bread Making

Year 5 had a wonderful time making bread in the food technology department at Lancaster Girls' Grammar School this afternoon. This was part of this term's design technology project. It was a wonderful afternoon and a great opportunity to experience facilities in a secondary school. We are very…

25 Jun

Year 5 Deforestation Talk

This afternoon, Mr Nutsford, a local wildlife photographer, gave a wonderful talk about some of the animals of the rainforest and how deforestation impacts on their habitats. He told us all about the lives of the great apes and shared photographs and experiences from his time in Africa. This…

17 Jun

Year 5 Go Green at Lancaster University

Year 5 enjoyed a wonderful day at Lancaster University today. They participated in workshops on the theme 'Go Green' and these included learning about air miles of different foods, plastic pollution, fair trade and how our small changes can make a difference to the environment and others. They…

10 Jun

Year 5 Drumming Workshop

Year 5 enjoyed their drumming workshop with Ben from More Music in Morecambe today. They sang some songs from Ghana and accompanied the singing with rhythms on the djembe drums - they were fantastic and had a great sense of timing. Thank you to the PTA for paying for this event for us.

5 Jun

Year 5 Homework Projects

What a joy it has been to read and look at the wonderful projects the children in Year 5 have produced. They were asked to write about rainforests, a country in South America or their visit to Borwick Hall and there have been some very detailed and creative pieces of work. Here are some of the…

22 May

Year 5 visit the Butterfly House

As part of our learning about the Amazon Rainforest and life cycles, today Year 5 visit the butterfly house. They learnt about and saw the different stages in the life cycle of a butterfly, including the beautiful blue morpho butterfly which is native to the Amazon. They also had the opportunity…

8 May

Year 5 Cricket in the Sunshine

At last, the sun has been shining and Year 5 had a great PE session with Mr Lofthouse, learning and using cricket skills. Our bowling and batting skills have really improved this half term - well done, Year 5!

30 Apr

Year 5 sow wild flower seeds

Some children in Year 5 have been busy sowing wildflower seeds on the banking next to our playground. We look forward to watching them grow and to seeing the wildlife they attract.

25 Apr

Year 5 lead our Celebration of the Word

Year 5 led our whole school Celebration of the Word with great reverence, creating a lovely prayerful atmosphere. They helped us to reflect on the story of Jesus meeting some disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection. They reminded us that Jesus is always walking alongside us, even…

17 Apr

Life Cycles Learning

As part of this term's science learning, Year 5 have been researching and exploring the life cycles of some rainforest animals. They worked in pairs to show what they have learnt as life cycles diagrams. Well done, Year 5!

26 Mar

Year 5 make CAM mechanisms

Year 5 have done a wonderful job with this term's design technology project. They have designed and made a toy with a moving part which uses a cam mechanism. Look at their end-products below:

21 Mar

Scientists and Inventors in Year 5

What an interesting class of scientists and inventors we had for our dress-up day today. We had Albert Einstein, Archimedes, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie and many more. It was wonderful that the children could tell everyone a little bit about the inventor or scientist they had dressed up as. Well…