Today was Safer Internet Day and the children in Year 5 took part in a range of interactive activities to help them to understand what is meant by 'scam' and 'phishing' and how to avoid getting caught out by these. They also learnt about the importance of a secure password and what to do if they are worried about anything that happens when they are online. Here are some of the children's comments about what they learnt:
'We learnt about how to detect scams. Examples are - If it sounds to good to be true and if it's unexpected contact. We learnt what to do when scammed and how to stop them.'
'We learnt what scams are and how they can harm us and also phishing. We found out that scammers can take many things other than money away from you if you tell them your personal information like your name and age.'
'I have learnt that you can tell if something is a scam if it sounds too good to be true, a money/trade from someone, they ask for personal information or it is unexpected contact. You need to secure your password so no-one gets it easily.'
'I learnt that your password needs three random words, one symbol and one number. I also learnt that you should never share any personal information and if you see something that looks like a scam, tell a trusted adult.'