World Book Day
We had some wonderful book characters in Year 5 today and we enjoyed hearing about the inspiration for some of the costumes. Reading is an important part of every day and we spent time this afternoon creating posters to advertise our favourite books.
Year 5 Homework Projects
Year 5 staff were totally blown away this week by the amazing independent projects completed by the children as homework. These included models and a powerpoint about the solar system, rocket launchers, a powerpoint about animatronics and information about fatal fashion inventions. They make…
Year 5 Safer Internet Day
Today was Safer Internet Day and the children in Year 5 took part in a range of interactive activities to help them to understand what is meant by 'scam' and 'phishing' and how to avoid getting caught out by these. They also learnt about the importance of a secure password and what to do if they…
Year 5 Ancient Greeks Drama
Today, we welcomed Adrian and Laura from Imagining History to lead us in a history drama workshop, acting out Ancient Greek myths and learning about Ancient Greek heroes. What a wonderful way to learn about these ancient stories. Everyone engaged with the story telling and we heard about Perseus,…
Hockey in Year 5
Year 5 are learning how to play hockey this half term. This week, they practised sending the puck to a target. It was more challenging than we thought at first but the children showed great resilience and kept practising until they improved.
Year 5 lead Celebration of the Word
Today, Year 5 led the school and parents in a time of prayer on their RE theme, 'Mission'. We reflected on the mission of Jesus to share God's love with everyone and we thought about how we can continue this mission in our school, at home and in our communities. Thank you, Year…
Cyber Challenges in Year 5
Today, Year 5 became 'Cyber Crime Prevention Officers' as they solved a series of challenges linked to online safety. Each solved challenge unlocked a case which contained further clues to solve a cyber crime. The children worked in groups and used the following skills: teamwork, resilience,…
Year 5 Ice-Skating
Year 5 had a 'cool' time ice-skating in Dalton Square recently. The staff were really pleased with the determination and resilience shown by the children, especially those who were skating for the first time. Lots of progress was made and it was great to see everyone gaining confidence in…
Year 5 Geography Field Trip
As part of this term's geography learning, Year 5 went into Lancaster to carry out research into how buildings are used in Lancaster City Centre. They kept a tally of different building use and recorded them on a map. In school they presented their results in bar charts and wrote their…
Year 5 Cathedral Art
As part of this term's art learning, Year 5 visited our Cathedral and looked at features which reflect the influence of Pugin in the design and architecture of this beautiful building. They sketched examples of Pugin's influence and tried to use the skills of perspective drawing and shading. We…
Year 5 Lego Workshop
Year 5 had a wonderful lego workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a lego robot and then connected it to a laptop so that they could program it. They learnt to download their program to the robot and finally, had a tournament where the lego robots battled each other. What a lot of skills…
Amazing Projects in Year 5
The children in Year 5 have produced their first independent homework projects and they are rightly proud of them. They have worked so hard to produce models and written work on the theme of Vikings, Creation or Legends with super results. Look at some of the models and posters they have made in…