28 Jun

Museum Trip Y1!

Last week, Y1 went on an amazing little trip to Judges Lodgings, a museum in Lancaster. We walked all the way there and back, and had a super time looking at all the old and new toys.

28 Feb

Y1 Map reading!

On Wednesday, Year 1 had to very carefully follow a map of our playground to find the red X marks the spot! They were very good at comparing the map to their surroundings and thinking carefully about where exactly they had to go.

6 Feb

Y1 Online Safety

Year 1 had lots of interesting discussions about Online Safety with Mrs Cook. The children have a better awareness and understanding now of how to stay safe on the internet.

10 Jan

Y1 Yoga

Year 1 loved their yoga session on Wednesday. It was a very relaxing experience!

9 Jan

Y1 Signs of Winter

We looked around the playground for signs of Winter. We noticed this tree is looking very bare, and we recalled seeing lots of birds flying to warmer places.

27 Nov

Maths Carousel Y1

All the children swapped classes today as part of the maths carousel. In Year 1, we looked at nets of 3D shapes and had a go at making them!

17 Nov

Y1 Class Worship

Year 1 did their class worship on Wednesday. They all remembered their lines and spoke in loud voices! Miss Whitaker was very proud!

9 Nov

Y1 painting!

Year 1 really enjoyed testing out different colours and mixing new colours, ready to paint the Great Fire of London.

31 Oct

Y1 looking for dragons!

We are going to be reading a story about a dragon in English. The children enjoyed looking at all the different dragons around class.

26 Oct

Y1 Busy learning!

Lots of children have been challenging themselves on the activities around class! Well done on your independent learning.

19 Oct

Y1 at Judges Lodgings

We had a fantastic time at Judges Lodgings! We saw what an old schoolroom used to be like and a cottage from the past.

13 Oct

Y1 Friday computing!

Year 1 enjoy computing on a Friday afternoon. We are getting much better at logging in and we have been exploring Purple Mash.