4 Mar

Year 6 Well Being Day@ Lancaster University

Year 6 had an excellent time at Lancaster University on Monday - exploring their well being and the transition to high school, all on the day they found out which school they were going to!


As you can see, we had an awesome time and learnt loads!

13 Feb

Year 6 Ancient Egyptian Day!

Are you my Mummy?!!


Year 6 had an amazing time today celebrating their Ancient Egyptian Party!  A huge thank you to everyone who helped make such wonderful costumes - we learnt lots and had a great time too!

7 Feb

Year 6 are GREAT at balances!

Year 6 have been stretching themselves this week with their gymnastic skills!  Paired balances were the order of the day as they practiced their working together skills.

31 Jan

Light Experiments in Year 6

Year 6 have taken their torches out of the classroom and checked and tested everything they could get their hands on to what was opaque, translucent and transparent...oh...and we had a lot of fun too!

28 Jan

The Listeners

Year 6 enjoyed taking part in our whole school Poetry Performance!


It was great to hear all the other classes perform so well!


26 Jan

Year 6 Super History Sleuths!

Year 6 conducted  deep investigation this week into the Ancient  Egyptians!

As you can see the explored lots of primary and secondary sources of evidence before continuing their enquiries!

17 Jan

Year 6 are Lightspeed ahead!

Year 6 wave-lengthed hello to the New Year with a super science session all about LIGHT!

We learnt all about how light travels from the sun, reflects off the moon, scatters in the atmosphere and is absorbed by opaque objects!


Without a shadow of a doubt, our quiz-quiz trade game was…

10 Jan

Novus annus MMXXV

Year 6 would like to wish you all a

"Novus annus MMXXV!!"

As you can see, they have started the year off with a lovely leap back into Latin!


18 Dec

HRH and Year 6!

Year 6 accepted a special invitation to the Town Hall by Mayor Abi Mills, where they met HRH the Duke of Gloucester - with the re-dedication of Lancaster's War Memorial.

We've never met royalty before and were really excited!

11 Dec

Year 6 Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Workshop

Year 6 had an amazing time exploring the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Lancaster's part in its history.  We visited the Judges' Lodgings in town and enjoyed a series of workshops, including art with Lela Harris!

10 Dec

Ukulele-Christmas from Year 6!

Year 6 performed their festive hits infront of Year 5 and Year 3 today.  They sounded fantastic!


10 Dec

Year 6 Soup tasting!

Year 6 really enjoyed their making and eating of their designed soups!

Tasty work as you can see!