Stoneage Day Y3 2025
We had great fun on Stoneageage day. We cave painted under our tables, made settlements and crafted clay pots. Thank you to all parents for their support with costume and models. They were amazing!

Y3 Safer Internet Day 2025
We have been learning about online scams. We found out that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. We found out how to spot Scams and what to do about them.

Dodge Ball in Y3
We had a great time on Monday learning to play dodgeball. A visiting teacher came in to school to teach us and we spent all morning learning the game.

Y3 Shelter Building
We had a great time on Wednesday, building shelters and lighting fires as part of our work on settlements. It was a very wet day, but we all managed to build a shelter and even managed to get fires to light despite the shocking weather. We worked really well in our teams and laughed a lot!

Marvellous Maps Y3
We have been looking at different maps of Lancaster. We found that different maps can be used for different jobs and that maps can be different scales. We found out how to find our school on a map.

Problem Solving in Y3
Today we have been solving maths problems using place value and comparing and ordering numbers.