Year 4 Changing State
Today in Science, Year 4 have been exploring the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We started by sorting different items into one of these groups...
We then looked in more details about how particles are organised and how they behave in a solid, liquid or a gas. Can you spot which is…
Anglo Saxon visits Year 4
This afternoon, Mildreth the Anglo Saxon storyteller visited Year 4. We listened to the story of Beowolf, re-created the invasion of 'Angle-Land', built an Anglo Saxon house, set up our own villages, looked at artefacts and worked out what they were used for, and finally we were trained to fight…
Y4 Go Looking for Romans
Yesterday, Year 4 walked down to the City Museum to find out more about the Romans who came to Lancaster and what how they changed the city. We spent time completing a quiz that made everyone have to really search for the clues around the exhibition, but there was also time to dress up like a…
Y4 - Water, Water Everywhere...
Today we had a visit from Louise from the Lake District National Park Authority. She came to explain about all the different uses we have for water (not just drinking it) and why it is so important we look after this vital resources. The children did a variety of activities and were rewarded with…
Y4 Visit Leighton Hall
Year 4 had a great day in the sunshine whilst visiting Leighton Hall. We spent the whole day outside in the gardens where we explored pollination and minibeasts. We made seed bombs for school, our own 'bees' and bug houses.
In the afternoon it was all about apples! We were in the orchard…

Making Pasta
This morning, Year 4 made the pasta dishes that had been planned in DT lessons. The morning was spent in preparation, cooking and then eating the food. We had great fun and enjoyed the end results.
Recognising Teeth
As part of our study on teeth, we looked at the different types of animal teeth. We then tried to match them with the different animals and how omnivores, carnivores and herbivores have different features. Good teamwork and problem solving"
Y4 Having a 'Wheely' Good Time!!
The school once again had an opportunity to try a wheelchair sport and this year it was basketball. Year 4 had great fun competing in 5-a-side games, and showed some great teamwork and skill. Well done!
Y4 Food Tasting Challenge
In preparation for cooking our own pasta dish, Year 4 tried a variety of ingredients that they might want to include. Some were definitely more popular than others! However there was a lot of positive attitudes towards trying new textures and flavours - Mrs Beveridge was even brave enough to try…
Year 4 Working on Place Value
In Year 4 we have been using bigger numbers and understanding the 'place' of a digit represents its 'value'. We had great fun playing games and learning as we went along!
Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds in Year 4
Today was a day when we learnt about keeping our minds and bodies fit and healthy though meditation, yoga, exercise and calming strategies. A great way to start the year with skills we can use to improve our wellbeing.