25 Mar

Lancaster and District School's Singing Festival

Last night we performed at Ashton Hall in Lancaster with other schools from the Lancaster district. We sang 13 songs about our beautiful world and the need to take care of it. Some of our favourites were 'Plastic Soup', 'Big, Bay View' and 'Love Shine a Light'.

Some of us sang so impressively…

24 Mar

Africa talk

Peter Knutsford came into school to talk to us today about living and working in Africa. Peter has lived there for over 14 years and came to tell us more about the culture and particularly about African animals. We saw photos of the animals that walk across his garden each day such as giraffes,…

7 Mar

The Queen of Hearts made some tarts...

Do you know how to make jam tarts? Well Y2 do, and on world book day when the Queen of Hearts came to visit she taught us! Look how fabulous they are!

Now we are going to learn about features of instruction writing and write a set of 'how to make' instructions.

6 Mar

World Book Day 2025

Happy World Book Day 2025!

We had a wonderful time today doing book related activities and dressing up as characters from our favourite stories. Can you guess who we are?

28 Feb

Music Festival rehearsals

It will soon be time for us to perform at the Lancaster District Schools' Singing Festival at the Town Hall so today, Mrs Pilkington came to see how we have been getting on with our rehearsals. She was very impressed with our singing and taught us some actions to accompany some of the songs. We…

27 Jan

NISCU visit

Today Diana from NISCU came into school to tell us stories from the bible. Today we heard about the story of The Paralysed Man. She read the story then we re-enacted it and discussed it in groups. We really look forward to Diana's visits as she really helps to bring the bible stories alive!

24 Jan

Jubilee Art work

Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year. The year began on 24th December and will close on 6th January 2026. As a school we have all taken part in the Diocesan art competition, creating pictures that reflect the current Jubilee theme of HOPE. Here are some of Y2's fabulous pictures.

24 Jan

Fruit, Fruit, Fruit!

In Year 2 this half term, we have been tasting some different fruits to decide which ones to put onto our fruit kebabs. Some of them were slightly sour! We had a great afternoon trying lots fruits we haven't tried before.

10 Dec

Snuggle Up Stable.

This year our Rec, Y1 and Y2 children put on the nativity 'Snuggle Up Stable' in the Cathedral for our parish and families to come and watch. We did two performances, one in the afternoon and one in the evening and did ourselves proud retelling the Christmas story for all to hear.

21 Nov

We've been growing!

Y2 have been learning about planting and growing with Miss McShane and over this half term have grown cress. Today we used the cress that we grew and mixed it with boiled eggs and made delicious egg and cress sandwiches which we al got to eat! Mmmmm...

5 Nov

LEGO robots

Y2 had a wonderful LEGO workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a robot from LEGO and then connected it to a laptop so they could program it to move.

30 Oct

Y2 lead Celebration of the Word.

Y2 led the Celebration of the Word this week in the hall and many parents came to watch as we shared our learning about Baptism.