20 Apr

Year 4 at Castlerigg

Year 4 have had a wonderful few days away at Castlerigg near Keswick. Please enjoy our photos of the residential and the video memory HERE.  There is even a compilation video of the musical chairs game HERE.

21 Mar

Y4 have a BIG Sing!

Last night Year 4 took part in the Key Stage 2 Lancaster Schools Big Sing at the Ashton Hall. The children looked amazing on the front row, and sang the 12 songs we had learnt brilliantly!

And we even performed the New Zealand Haka - watch that HERE.

A big thank you to all the parents…

18 Mar

Y4 Exploring the Book Fair

Year 4 spent a lovely time this afternoon exploring the book fair that is in school this week. They are hoping they can spend their World Book Day tokens on some great books during the week.

The book fair is open after school and during Parents Evenings this week.

5 Mar

Y4 and Y3 on a Big Lent Walk

As part of our 'giving' in Lent, we are raising money for those around the world who are living in extreme poverty. If we all walk 1km and bring in £1 for doing so, we can make a contribution to CAFOD's fund-raising.

So we took advantage of the beautiful weather to walk up to Williamson Park…

6 Feb

Y4 do Online Safety

We started the day by thinking about who are the people who we could go to if we are worried, upset or unsure about anything we see online. These are the 'trusted adults' and could be at home or at school or elsewhere. Everyone made a poster to explain this.

In the afternoon, we looked at how…

11 Jan

Y4 Winter Imagery

In Year 4 this week we have been writing winter poems that focus on the use of similes to create images for the reader. I think you will agree they have done a wonderful job!

10 Jan

Flexible Year 4!

Year 4 had a wonderful session with our visiting Yoga instructor this afternoon. Very relaxing!

4 Jan

Y4 having fun with Tanzii

We had a great start to the new term! The Tanzii TV brothers - Vio and Rio - came to give us a day of fitness and fun!

Year 4 and 5 together in the hall had some challenging exercises to try and some fun moves. 

Our class also had the school champion of flossing! Well done Maxx!

8 Dec

Soundproofing Year 4!

Year 4 spent the afternoon exploring how different materials work as a soundproof lining for blocking loud music - maybe useful for when they are teenagers for their bedrooms!!

The same cereal boxes were used but then lined with a range of different materials. Loud music (on my phone!) was…

30 Nov

Y4 Pitch Perfect

Today in science, Year 4 explored how pitch is created and how sound vibrations change in frequency. We then made different kinds of pitched instruments. A noisy but fun lesson!

23 Nov

Y4 in Anglo Saxon Times

Year 4 had an Anglo Saxon visitor today!

We had a great afternoon listening to stories, re-enacting the invasion of Angles and Saxons, building houses then establishing villages and towns, investigating artefacts, and finally training to be in King Alfred's army! (Evidence on video is HERE!) A…

3 Nov

Y4 Go Bowling

Year 4 explored a different kind of sport today - crown green bowling!

Using targets, the children had lots of time to perfect their technique by working as a team, and then there was a hotly-contested competition to find the first, second and third placed team. We even had a Star Shot of the…