15 Jul

Enterprise Week

This week has been enterprise week at school. Year 2 made emoji biscuits and sold them for 50p each. We also made tablecloths, bunting and aprons with emoji's on. Look how fantastic we look !!!

3 Jul

Outdoor maths carousel

This half term's math's carousel had an Olympic theme and the children in Mrs.Grierson's group had to fill buckets with cupfuls of water! The weather didn't dampen our spirits and we had a lot of fun running back and forth and keeping track of our scores! We'll find out which class won later this…

12 Jun

Djembe drumming workshop

Today Y2 had a Dejembe African drumming workshop. We learned different rhythms and drum patterns and played along to songs that we learned to sing. We were amazing!.

12 Jun

Puppet Making in Y2

Year 2 have been designing and making a product for the reception children to use when retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs. Miss McShane showed them how to use use the sock then cut, sew and glue to complete the puppet and add details. Look how great they look!

23 Apr

Year 2 at the Zoo

On Friday Year 2 went to the zoo! We had been learning about elephants in class so we visited them first. We had our lunch then visited the rest of the animals. We loved the lion which pounced at us-thank goodness for the big green fence! A great time was had by…

21 Mar

Rain didn't stop play!

Laura came in today to teach us cricket skills! We all had a turn using the flat side of the cricket balls and knocked tennis balls off the cones. We had to hold the bat with two hands and step forward before we hit it. She said we were excellent and couldn't believe we hadn't played cricket…

19 Mar

Paddy and Steph came to visit!

Today Paddy the greyhound and Steph from Animal Care came to visit Y2. As we have been learning about animals and their needs this half term Steph told us all about the 5 welfare needs from the Animal Act. 

  • need for a suitable environment
  • need for a suitable diet
  • need to be able to…
18 Mar

Lancaster Singing Festival

Today we went to the Town Hall in Lancaster and performed with other primary schools to parents and carers. We sang 12 different songs and remembered the dance moves and the actions as well as the words. At the end we were given a prize for having the best dance moves. We had an amazing time as…

8 Mar

Mother's day in school

Our lovely mums were invited into school today to celebrate Mothering Sunday this weekend. They came into class and listened to us rehearse for the music festival before being treated to drinks and cakes in the school hall. We hope all our mums have a very happy mother's day.

28 Feb

Year 2 lead the celebration of the word.

Today it was our turn to lead celebration of the word in the hall. Our theme was 'The beginning of Lent'. We heard the bible reading from the Gospel of Matthew about Jesus going into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and the great sacrifice He made. We shared our Lenten promises and sang our…

23 Feb

Look who came to visit!

Today we had a very special visitor. Mrs. Taylor, our teaching assistant in Reception and Year 1 brought her baby James to school to meet us all. He is nearly 5 months old now and smiled at us all. Mrs. Taylor was very happy to see us and we asked her lots of questions about James. It was a lovey…

7 Feb

Y2 local walk to the castle

We have been learning about fantasy stories and many stories that we have listened to have been based in a castle. Our favourite story is George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. In our English lessons we have written a diary entry by the princess and a letter of apology from the dragon. Today we…