28 Jun

Museum Trip Y1!

Last week, Y1 went on an amazing little trip to Judges Lodgings, a museum in Lancaster. We walked all the way there and back, and had a super time looking at all the old and new toys.

14 May

Amazing Art!

Year 1 have had an amazing time creating art work outside. They used the influence of Andy Goldsworthy to create art using natural materials they found outside within the school grounds. Team work and creation at its best today!

8 May

Throwing and Catching in Year 1

Year 1 have really enjoyed having Dan in to help them with learning the skills of throwing and catching. So many of the children made huge amounts of progress in one lesson, smiles and enjoyment all round! Well done!

1 May

Story Writing in Year 1


Year 1 children have made Mrs Cook very proud this week. They have worked so hard to learn, innovate and write a story. It has been a pleasure to watch their ideas grow and see how proud they are of their finished stories. Well done Year 1!

26 Mar

Year 1 at Wildlife Oasis

Year 1 had a wonderful time at Wildlife Oasis. After a great coach journey we were greeted by the lovely staff who worked with us for the morning. We were introduced to cockroaches, spiders, millipedes and SNAKES...some of the children were brave enough to touch and even hold them! After we had…

13 Mar

Year 1 Pizzas!


We had a fantastic morning in Year 1, making healthy pizzas. The children designed and made their own healthy pizza after trying a range of different toppings grown in a range of different countries. 
The smell of the pizzas cooking was amazing and they tasted even better!

28 Feb

Y1 Map reading!

On Wednesday, Year 1 had to very carefully follow a map of our playground to find the red X marks the spot! They were very good at comparing the map to their surroundings and thinking carefully about where exactly they had to go.

21 Feb

Maths in Year 1

We had a fabulous morning measuring in Year 1. The children worked in pairs to measure items using tens and ones. Working this way meant the children were practising their counting as well as learning about measurement. Teachers and children had a good morning! 

6 Feb

Y1 Online Safety

Year 1 had lots of interesting discussions about Online Safety with Mrs Cook. The children have a better awareness and understanding now of how to stay safe on the internet.

10 Jan

Y1 Yoga

Year 1 loved their yoga session on Wednesday. It was a very relaxing experience!

9 Jan

Y1 Signs of Winter

We looked around the playground for signs of Winter. We noticed this tree is looking very bare, and we recalled seeing lots of birds flying to warmer places.

27 Nov

Maths Carousel Y1

All the children swapped classes today as part of the maths carousel. In Year 1, we looked at nets of 3D shapes and had a go at making them!