6 Feb

Safer internet day

Today is safer internet day and we have been learning how to stay safe when we go online. We watched a slideshow about Mo and Jaz and learned what they did when a game they were playing on went wrong. Then we watched Smartie the Penguin presentation and helped Smartie to solve the problems he was…

5 Feb

Maths carousel

Today we had a maths carousel morning where we all swapped classes and did maths activities in Rec, Y1 and Y2. In Year 2 we made a pictogram. Mrs Grierson bought in a party size bag of Cadbury chocolates and we unpacked the bag and made a pictogram with it's contents. We found out that you get…

30 Jan

Y2 Poetry performance

Today Y2 took part in the school Poetry performance. They performed the poem...BEWARE the dragon! We practised using loud voices and quiet voices, emphasising different words as well as using our talk 4 writing actions to help us deliver a unique performance. The parents gave us a huge round of…

27 Jan

Making 30 game

In Year 2 we are learning how to exchange ten units for a ten rod using Diennes rods and cubes. Today we had a mammoth game of making 30 using a dice and the rods and units! You have to roll the dice, collect that many units but then exchange ten units for a rod once you have 10. It took us a…

17 Jan

Designing fruit kebabs

In DT we designed, made and evaluated fruit kebabs with Miss McShane. The brief was to design and make a kebab suitable for a banquet at the castle.

We tried all the food the week before so we knew which flavours we liked and picked fruit for colour and taste. Today we set to work constructing…

16 Jan

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It may have only been with us for a morning but Year 2 made the most of being out in the snow, building miniature snow men and making snow angels. We also learned how to warm our freezing cold hands up once we were back in class!

16 Jan

How much is 1kg?

Today we investigated mass. We had heard of a kilogramme (kg) but couldn't think of anything that might have a mass of a kg. So we took out our class weighing scales and in groups,set about putting resources in the holder until the dial moved around to the 1kg point. Some groups realised that the…

5 Jan

Tanzii TV visited school!

Vio and Rio from Tanzii TV came to visit us on the first day back. We do their videos every day to help wake up our bodies and our brains and they came back to see how we were doing. Unfortunately Y2 were at the bottom of the leaderboard, but they challenged us to be at the top by the end of this…

6 Dec

We've been practising our Nativity play !!

For the last 2 weeks we have been learning our words and songs for our Nativity play. Today was our dress rehearsal and we really impressed Mrs Grierson who was very proud of us all. We even managed to pass the microphone from one person to another so everyone could hear what we were saying.

8 Nov

Year 2 whole school prayer and liturgy

Our year 2 class have been sharing their learning with the whole school and their families. Today we explained to everyone about the importance of signs and symbols in every day life. We also talked about the use of symbols in the sacraments including symbols of water, oil, white garments and…

31 Oct

PE with Dan Lofthouse

Dan Lofthouse is working with Y2 this half term developing our gymnastic skills. He is a PE expert who knows how to keep us active and teach us how to safely learn the gymnastic skills required at KS1. We love our PE sessions!

20 Oct

The aliens have landed!

Today Year 2 have dressed as aliens to conclude this terms learning about 'Space'. The children have learned a lot of facts and information about the first moon landing and Neil Armstrong. This week we have been using our imagination to invent alien characters and describe them in our writing.…