19 Mar

Year 5 at Borwick Hall 2024

What a fantastic week Year 5 had at Borwick Hall from 11th - 15th March. We were so proud of how they approached a wide range of activities including climbing, canoeing, caving, walking, archery. The talent show on the Tuesday night confirmed what we already knew - this class have some amazing…

5 Mar

Year 5 Ukulele lessons

All the children in Year 5 have been given a ukulele on loan until February 2025. We are very lucky to have weekly lessons with Mr Lupton from Lancashire Music Services. Well done to all those children who have already been practising at home - I can see we are going to have some super ukulele…

5 Mar

Year 5 Big Lent Walk

Year 5 had a lovely walk up to Williamson Park this morning in the Spring sunshine. This was part of our Lent fundraising for CAFOD. Thank you to all parents and carers who sponsored their child £1 or more to complete this walk.

28 Feb

Year 5 Andy Warhol Art

In Year 5, we have linked our learning about Space to our study of Andy Warhol's pop art to create paintings of planets in the style of Andy Warhol. The children explored the qualities of watercolour and poster paints and used a combination of these in their paintings. They created a series of…

20 Feb

Year 5 lead Stations of the Cross

Today, some children from Year 5 led a lunchtime Stations of the Cross prayer group for children in Key Stage 2. It was lovely to see so many children give up five minutes of their lunch break for this special time of prayer during Lent.

6 Feb

Year 5 Safer Internet Day

For Safer Internet Day, Year 5 began by listing all the amazing things the internet can be used for – we all agreed it is a fantastic tool. We then listed the things that make it unsafe and were surprised by the size of the list. The children considered different scenarios and what to do when…

31 Jan

The Highwayman in Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed learning and rehearsing 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes for our school poetry performance. It was wonderful to have a good audience of parents and carers to perform to. There are many budding actors and actresses in Year 5 - I look forward to seeing this grow. Well done, Year…

24 Jan

Year 5 lead our Celebration of the Word

This afternoon, Year 5 led our whole school Celebration of the Word. They shared with us some of their reflections on 'Mission', including how we can share in the mission of Jesus, by bringing God's love to others through kind words, a smile, a helping hand. They read this extract from a prayer by…

18 Jan

Wealth and Work Week Learning in Year 5

Gosh - what a lot of 'Wealth and Work Week' learning we have done in Year 5 this week! We had wonderful question and answer sessions with parents who do a wide range of jobs. We have learnt about how to spend money carefully and the impact that borrowing money can have. Children now know what tax…

12 Jan

Year 5 Yoga

What a wonderful experience Year 5 had this week when Claire came in to lead us in a Yoga session. It was great to take time to slow down, stretch and relax. Year 5 showed great balance and ability to be still. Well done!

18 Dec

Year 5 Christmas Games

We enjoyed some circle time games before our Christmas party this afternoon. These included, "Who is hiding under the sheet?', 'Pass the tambourine without a sound' and 'Who is the leader?'. It was a great start to our party afternoon.

15 Dec

Year 5 Ice Skating

Year 5 had a wonderful time ice-skating this week. The teachers were really pleased with their determination to learn a new skill which isn't easy at first. Well done, Year 5!