15 Dec

Christmas Dinner!

What a wonderful Christmas dinner we had today! The kitchen staff worked hard to ensure we had a wonderful lunch and we even had Christmas crackers! Here are some photos from Years 5 and 6 Christmas dinner.

6 Dec

Year 5 Visit to the Theatre

Year 5 enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Dukes theatre this morning to watch their Christmas pantomime, A Christmas Carol. Because we have been studying 'A Christmas Carol' this half term, the children were able to spot similarities and differences between the pantomime, the book and film extracts…

5 Dec

Acting out Playscripts in Year 5

Today, as we are learning about the conventions of play scripts in English, we took our learning outside to use the playground as the backdrop for acting out some play scripts. We have many budding actors and actresses in Year 5! Well done, Everyone!

27 Nov

Year 5 Viking Longboat

What a wonderful surprise we had in Year 5 today when one pupil brought in this wonderful model of a Viking longboat he has made at home. This has obviously taken a lot of skill, time and patience - well done!

22 Nov

A change of heart for Scrooge

Today, we made use of the outdoor space to prepare role plays to show a conversation between Scrooge and Bob Cratchit or Fred (Scrooge's nephew) for a new chapter of 'A Christmas Carol' that Year 5 have been writing. We have been studying 'A Christmas Carol' over the last two weeks and have…

22 Nov

Y5 Scientists

Today, Year 5 were being scientists, investigating how to separate different mixtures of materials. They found out how to separate salt from a saltwater solution and sand from a mixture of sand and water. They used this to work out how to separate a mixture of salt and sand. Well done, Year 5!

16 Nov

Year 5 Bowling

Year 5 had a wonderful time doing crown green bowling with Mr Lofthouse this morning. He taught us how to hold the bowls and how to use markers on the green to help us bowl with good direction. We had three children who managed to bowl right into a target circle which was super. Everyone made…

13 Nov

Visitors in Year 5

Today, Ben, who is the lay chaplain at Our Lady’s Catholic College, visited Year 5 with a group of students from the chaplaincy and Mr Eidsforth. Ben led us in a reflection on scripture and helped us to prepare for our pilgrimage to Our Lady’s which takes place in a couple of…

8 Nov

Year 5 Music Making

Today, Year 5 played some great bossa nova music on the glockenspiels. They followed the notes to play a given melody then used the notes G, A and B to improvise over a backing. The result was very catchy - well done, Year 5!

1 Nov

Year 5 Creative Projects

What a joy it has been to look at the creations produced by Year 5 as last half term’s homework. They could choose between a project about the Vikings, creation or legends of the British Isles. Some children have done some great research and used it to produce a poster or information text. Others…

11 Oct

Year 5 Investigate Electrical Conductors

This afternoon, Year 5 investigated the best material to make a switch for an electrical circuit. They cooperated well in groups to make a circuit and adapted their circuit to investigate the properties of different materials. 

11 Oct

Year 5 say, "No!"

As part of their PSHE learning, Year 5 have been practising saying, "No!" assertively to negative peer pressure. They acted out different scenarios and showed how they would respond to what their friend was asking them to do.