1 Oct

A special visitor

Today, Y2 were joined by Margaret Wright. Margaret used to be a head teacher and RE leader and still works in Lancaster diocese training teachers. Today she came in to tell Y2 the Noah's Ark story like we've never heard it before. We were fantastic listeners and asked very thoughtful…

30 Sep

Autumn is on its way!

Tobias and his dad have been exploring the outdoors looking for signs of autumn. Tobias brought his autumn box into the class to share with us and earned his green key for asking investigative questions about the world around him.

26 Sep

Measuring using a metre rule.

Today we used the outdoors to measure using a metre measuring rule. We had a giant 10 m tape that we measured the width of the playground with and then working in pairs we measured everything in our outdoor area; the shed, the climbing wall. the fences...you name it, we measured it!

19 Sep

Measuring in cm

Today we investigated centimetres and found out exactly how small they are and what they are useful for measuring. Then we got to work finding as many things in the classroom that we could that measured less than 30cm.

12 Sep

Keeping fit!

We all love going on the PE apparatus but as well as being great fun it helps us to develop our co-ordination, strength and balance.Today Y2 showed Dan just how good our PE skills are AND how brave some of us are climbing up - and over-the climbing frame.

5 Sep

A calm start to the year

Year 2 started their year with a very welcome yoga session as part of our learning about Marvellous Me. We learned how to relax and breathe which will help to keep us calm and focussed throughout our busy year.