25 Nov

How to Listen in Year 6

Year 6 have been exploring how to be a good listener - do you know how to listen?

22 Nov

Year 6 Adoration

Year 6 spent a few calm moments in the Cathedral this week in the act of Adoration.

21 Nov

We've been growing!

Y2 have been learning about planting and growing with Miss McShane and over this half term have grown cress. Today we used the cress that we grew and mixed it with boiled eggs and made delicious egg and cress sandwiches which we al got to eat! Mmmmm...

19 Nov

Is the material waterproof?

Year 1 had a great afternoon being scientists. We had to investigate waterproof materials. Everyone made a prediction and then tested the materials to see if they were correct. Fabulous team work and wonderful scientific language all afternoon. 

15 Nov

Year 6 Get on yer bikes..!

What a great time Year 6 had developing their cycling skills!  We practised in the playground before heading off onto the highways of Lancaster!



13 Nov

Year 5 Cathedral Art

As part of this term's art learning, Year 5 visited our Cathedral and looked at features which reflect the influence of Pugin in the design and architecture of this beautiful building. They sketched examples of Pugin's influence and tried to use the skills of perspective drawing and shading. We…

12 Nov

We shall never forget...

Year 5 and Year 6 paid their respects on Monday by participating in a Remembrance Day Service at Mis Whalley's Field in Freehold.

We shall never forget...

12 Nov

Year 6 Animal Exhibition

Year 6 had a fantastic time holding their animal adaptation exhibition - what amazing creatures they have developed to match their various environments. 

Which one is your favourite?

6 Nov

Year 5 Lego Workshop

Year 5 had a wonderful lego workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a lego robot and then connected it to a laptop so that they could program it. They learnt to download their program to the robot and finally, had a tournament where the lego robots battled each other. What a lot of skills…

5 Nov

Remember Remember!

We have been learning all about bonfire night and why we have it. We learnt abut Guy Fawkes and that he tried to set fire to the house of parliament. We also discussed ways people remember today such as fireworks, sparklers and bonfires. We even got to try a toffee apple which people enjoy eating…

5 Nov

LEGO robots

Y2 had a wonderful LEGO workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a robot from LEGO and then connected it to a laptop so they could program it to move.

1 Nov

Happy Diwali!

Happy Diwali from Reception! We have had lots of fun learning about the festival of light. We have been creating rangoli patterns in lots of different ways and we even had a go at creating out own diya lamps out of clay.