11 Feb

Y3 Safer Internet Day 2025

We have been learning about online scams. We found out that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. We found out how to spot Scams and what to do about them.

10 Feb

Anglo Saxon visits Year 4

This afternoon, Mildreth the Anglo Saxon storyteller visited Year 4. We listened to the story of Beowolf, re-created the invasion of 'Angle-Land', built an Anglo Saxon house, set up our own villages, looked at artefacts and worked out what they were used for, and finally we were trained to fight…

7 Feb

A Lovely Morning Out!

We had such a lovely morning on our trip up to the park this morning! The sun was shining as we wandered up the hill to have a run around and a climb on all of the equipment! We had so much fun sliding and swinging. In the afternoon, we got to enjoy a lovely hot chocolate to warm us back up after…

7 Feb

Year 6 are GREAT at balances!

Year 6 have been stretching themselves this week with their gymnastic skills!  Paired balances were the order of the day as they practiced their working together skills.

3 Feb

Year 5 Ancient Greeks Drama

Today, we welcomed Adrian and Laura from Imagining History to lead us in a history drama workshop, acting out Ancient Greek myths and learning about Ancient Greek heroes. What a wonderful way to learn about these ancient stories. Everyone engaged with the story telling and we heard about Perseus,…

31 Jan

Light Experiments in Year 6

Year 6 have taken their torches out of the classroom and checked and tested everything they could get their hands on to what was opaque, translucent and transparent...oh...and we had a lot of fun too!

31 Jan

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year. Reception have been learning all about this special celebration which is also called Lunar New Year! We heard the story of the great race and now know that this year is the year of the snake. We also had lots of fun exploring books and traditions within our classroom. One…

28 Jan

The Listeners

Year 6 enjoyed taking part in our whole school Poetry Performance!


It was great to hear all the other classes perform so well!


27 Jan

NISCU visit

Today Diana from NISCU came into school to tell us stories from the bible. Today we heard about the story of The Paralysed Man. She read the story then we re-enacted it and discussed it in groups. We really look forward to Diana's visits as she really helps to bring the bible stories alive!

26 Jan

Year 6 Super History Sleuths!

Year 6 conducted  deep investigation this week into the Ancient  Egyptians!

As you can see the explored lots of primary and secondary sources of evidence before continuing their enquiries!

24 Jan

Y1 Jubilee Paintings

Year 1 spent this windy Friday creating some art for the Jubilee. We put a dove (as a symbol of hope) flying with three friends (holding hands to show kindness) towards a better world. We really enjoying using watercolours for the backdrop. We hope you like what we made!

24 Jan

Jubilee Art work

Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year. The year began on 24th December and will close on 6th January 2026. As a school we have all taken part in the Diocesan art competition, creating pictures that reflect the current Jubilee theme of HOPE. Here are some of Y2's fabulous pictures.