24 Jan

Fruit, Fruit, Fruit!

In Year 2 this half term, we have been tasting some different fruits to decide which ones to put onto our fruit kebabs. Some of them were slightly sour! We had a great afternoon trying lots fruits we haven't tried before.

22 Jan

Hockey in Year 5

Year 5 are learning how to play hockey this half term. This week, they practised sending the puck to a target. It was more challenging than we thought at first but the children showed great resilience and kept practising until they improved.


21 Jan

Reception Climbers!

We had a fantastic time in PE practicing our gross motor skills on the climbing equipment! We also developed our resilience and bravery by trying new things and keeping on going, even when things were hard!




17 Jan

Year 6 are Lightspeed ahead!

Year 6 wave-lengthed hello to the New Year with a super science session all about LIGHT!

We learnt all about how light travels from the sun, reflects off the moon, scatters in the atmosphere and is absorbed by opaque objects!


Without a shadow of a doubt, our quiz-quiz trade game was…

15 Jan

Year 5 lead Celebration of the Word

Today, Year 5 led the school and parents in a time of prayer on their RE theme, 'Mission'. We reflected on the mission of Jesus to share God's love with everyone and we thought about how we can continue this mission in our school, at home and in our communities. Thank you, Year…

14 Jan

Cyber Challenges in Year 5

Today, Year 5 became 'Cyber Crime Prevention Officers' as they solved a series of challenges linked to online safety. Each solved challenge unlocked a case which contained further clues to solve a cyber crime. The children worked in groups and used the following skills: teamwork, resilience,…

10 Jan

Novus annus MMXXV

Year 6 would like to wish you all a

"Novus annus MMXXV!!"

As you can see, they have started the year off with a lovely leap back into Latin!


18 Dec

HRH and Year 6!

Year 6 accepted a special invitation to the Town Hall by Mayor Abi Mills, where they met HRH the Duke of Gloucester - with the re-dedication of Lancaster's War Memorial.

We've never met royalty before and were really excited!

11 Dec

Year 6 Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Workshop

Year 6 had an amazing time exploring the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Lancaster's part in its history.  We visited the Judges' Lodgings in town and enjoyed a series of workshops, including art with Lela Harris!

10 Dec

Ukulele-Christmas from Year 6!

Year 6 performed their festive hits infront of Year 5 and Year 3 today.  They sounded fantastic!


10 Dec

Snuggle Up Stable.

This year our Rec, Y1 and Y2 children put on the nativity 'Snuggle Up Stable' in the Cathedral for our parish and families to come and watch. We did two performances, one in the afternoon and one in the evening and did ourselves proud retelling the Christmas story for all to hear.

10 Dec

Year 6 Soup tasting!

Year 6 really enjoyed their making and eating of their designed soups!

Tasty work as you can see!