Year 5 Cathedral Art
As part of this term's art learning, Year 5 visited our Cathedral and looked at features which reflect the influence of Pugin in the design and architecture of this beautiful building. They sketched examples of Pugin's influence and tried to use the skills of perspective drawing and shading. We…
We shall never forget...
Year 5 and Year 6 paid their respects on Monday by participating in a Remembrance Day Service at Mis Whalley's Field in Freehold.
We shall never forget...
Year 6 Animal Exhibition
Year 6 had a fantastic time holding their animal adaptation exhibition - what amazing creatures they have developed to match their various environments.
Which one is your favourite?
Year 5 Lego Workshop
Year 5 had a wonderful lego workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a lego robot and then connected it to a laptop so that they could program it. They learnt to download their program to the robot and finally, had a tournament where the lego robots battled each other. What a lot of skills…
Remember Remember!
We have been learning all about bonfire night and why we have it. We learnt abut Guy Fawkes and that he tried to set fire to the house of parliament. We also discussed ways people remember today such as fireworks, sparklers and bonfires. We even got to try a toffee apple which people enjoy eating…
LEGO robots
Y2 had a wonderful LEGO workshop this morning. They learnt how to build a robot from LEGO and then connected it to a laptop so they could program it to move.
Happy Diwali!
Happy Diwali from Reception! We have had lots of fun learning about the festival of light. We have been creating rangoli patterns in lots of different ways and we even had a go at creating out own diya lamps out of clay.
Year 6 Blackpool Zoo Trip
Year 6 went to the zoo zoo zoo! We learnt all about how the animals had adapted to their environment as well as discovering just what elephant poo actually smells like!
Year 6 Visit to Lancaster Town Hall
Year 6 had an amazing time on Monday afternoon after accepting an invitationb from Mayor Abi Mills to attend the opening of a new exhibition all about Lancaster Slave Family Trees. We had an excellent time learning all about the exhibition as well as touring the Town Hall and enjoying a…
Y2 lead Celebration of the Word.
Y2 led the Celebration of the Word this week in the hall and many parents came to watch as we shared our learning about Baptism.
Y4 Go Looking for Romans
Yesterday, Year 4 walked down to the City Museum to find out more about the Romans who came to Lancaster and what how they changed the city. We spent time completing a quiz that made everyone have to really search for the clues around the exhibition, but there was also time to dress up like a…
Amazing Projects in Year 5
The children in Year 5 have produced their first independent homework projects and they are rightly proud of them. They have worked so hard to produce models and written work on the theme of Vikings, Creation or Legends with super results. Look at some of the models and posters they have made in…