19 Sep

Measuring in cm

Today we investigated centimetres and found out exactly how small they are and what they are useful for measuring. Then we got to work finding as many things in the classroom that we could that measured less than 30cm.

18 Sep

Little Red Riding Hood Year 1

Year 1 have been enjoying learning Little Red Riding Hood through talk for writing. The children have enjoyed thinking about actions and pictures for the words. Wait and see our photos of the class re telling the story…coming very soon!

17 Sep

Our First Day Group 5

We now have all of our new friends in school! It has been lovely to meet everyone! We have really enjoyed playing in the role play and even made a hospital! Poor Mrs Lee was bitten by "a snake" and was fixed by us after lots of X-rays and medicine!


12 Sep

Y6 Ukulele

Year 6 have re-started their ukulele lessons this week and it sounded like they hadn't forgotten a single note!  Mr Lupton came in and we started to pluck-away hitting all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order!

12 Sep

Keeping fit!

We all love going on the PE apparatus but as well as being great fun it helps us to develop our co-ordination, strength and balance.Today Y2 showed Dan just how good our PE skills are AND how brave some of us are climbing up - and over-the climbing frame.

12 Sep

Our First Day (Group 4)

It's so fun to have even more new friends joining our class today! We have had a great time playing in the small world and role play areas today! Mrs Lee has been enjoying all sorts of cakes, ice creams and coffees from the reception cafe!

12 Sep

Year 4 Working on Place Value

In Year 4 we have been using bigger numbers and understanding the 'place' of a digit represents its 'value'. We had great fun playing games and learning as we went along!

12 Sep

Problem Solving in Y3

Today we have been solving maths problems using place value and comparing and ordering numbers.

10 Sep

Year 5 Gymnastics

In gymnastics this term, Year 5 are developing their skills in creating balances with a partner. Today was their first lesson and I was most impressed with the skill they showed in creating and holding mirrored balances and matched balances. Their cooperation skills were fantastic too. Well done,…

10 Sep

Our First Day (Group 3)

We have had a great first day at school today! It is so lovely to make lots of new friends. We really enjoyed the painting and workshop areas today! We have been busy mixing colours and building robots!


6 Sep

Marvellous Me Week in Year 5

It has been a wonderful first few days in Year 5 learning all about ourselves and how amazing and unique we all are and getting to know each other again after the summer break.
We’ve looked at our school mission and how we can use the gifts God has given us to live out our mission.

6 Sep

Our First Day (Group 2)

We had a lovely first day at school today! We loved making some new friends and exploring. Our favourite things to do today were playing outside in the sunshine and creating lands in the small world area!