8 Oct

Making Pasta

This morning, Year 4 made the pasta dishes that had been planned in DT lessons. The morning was spent in preparation, cooking and then eating the food. We had great fun and enjoyed the end results.

4 Oct

Space Week

This week, Reception have been learning all about space as it has been world space week! We learnt all about craters on the moon and had a go at making our own craters. We made predictions about what would happen if we used different sized rocks or dropped them at different heights. We also learnt…

3 Oct

Recognising Teeth

As part of our study on teeth, we looked at the different types of animal teeth. We then tried to match them with the different animals and how omnivores, carnivores and herbivores have different features. Good teamwork and problem solving"

3 Oct

Investigating a kilogram

How much is a kilogram? Well in Year 2 this morning we found out. We filled our weighing scales until the dial touched the 1kg marker. Then we had to go and find just one object that would fit on the scale that also had a mass of 1kg. Can you guess what that might have been?

3 Oct

Year 6 Wheelchair Basketball

Year 6 had an amazing time today, exploring the fast and furious sport of wheelchairbasket ball!  As you can see from the pictures, the games were really fast but totally physical and full of strategy too!

2 Oct

Year 5 Wheelchair Basketball

Year 5 had a wonderful time playing wheelchair basketball this afternoon. Some of the children showed huge determination to score a goal and succeeded. Everyone agreed it was great fun!

2 Oct

Y4 Having a 'Wheely' Good Time!!

The school once again had an opportunity to try a wheelchair sport and this year it was basketball. Year 4 had great fun competing in 5-a-side games, and showed some great teamwork and skill. Well done!

2 Oct

Wheelchair basketball

Nate visited us again this year for our annual wheelchair basketball experience. We all got chance to sit in a chair and manoeuvre it before splitting into teams and having a game of basketball. As always it was great fun and gave us an insight into what it is like for people who have to use a…

2 Oct

Reception Wheelchair Basketball

We have had a great time trying wheelchair basketball. It was very tricky to start off with but with lots of practice, we were soon gliding around the playground and scoring lots of goals. Mrs Lee was very proud of us all for having a go even if we were a little bit scared! 


1 Oct

Little Way Week Prayer

This afternoon, some of our children led the class in a reflection for 'Little Way Week'. They told us about St Therese of Lisieux and her 'Little Way of Love'. We all reflected on how we can do small acts of love and kindness for others this week. The children wrote these on roses for our prayer…

1 Oct

A special visitor

Today, Y2 were joined by Margaret Wright. Margaret used to be a head teacher and RE leader and still works in Lancaster diocese training teachers. Today she came in to tell Y2 the Noah's Ark story like we've never heard it before. We were fantastic listeners and asked very thoughtful…

30 Sep

Autumn is on its way!

Tobias and his dad have been exploring the outdoors looking for signs of autumn. Tobias brought his autumn box into the class to share with us and earned his green key for asking investigative questions about the world around him.